
Louise Kerwin

About Louise

Louise Kerwin has always been interested in how the body, mind, and spirit weave their magic and she has been on a lifelong journey
of self-discovery that continues to this day. Louise is a practicing
naturopath, kinesiologist, and RAW energies practitioner. She is a
soft tissue bodyworker using energy medicine to help her clients
move beyond their current limitations.

Louise's passion is working with thyroid conditions like Hashimoto's and EDS (hypermobility) to empower them in their health journey to love life to the fullest and love themselves by healing from the inside out.

In the last year has delved
more deeply into her own inner healing of her heart, which is
where her collection of poems has blossomed from.

Born in Christchurch, NZ, Louise now lives in Rockhampton
Queensland. She has four beautiful adult children, 3
grandchildren and two elderly cats as part of her clan


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